Friday, 25 October 2013

Chapter 6: Traditional and Vintage versus Modern

     Us and Them [Prepared by Huzaifah @ Zai]

Zai checking in, hello y’all. How’s the life? been good? should always be, because Malaysia is peaceful, beautifully harmonious  and ultimately advanced educated. Exactly why these are fundamentally important to be noticed? Because i’m now living in modern age which I see always moving, establishing and competing economically, socially and politically no less. Asking our parents or theirs regarding how fast we have “changed” would always be a very interesting topic to debate with because most of them will always look on social sides.There apparently are concrete reasons why social always rules,well despite the undeniable fact that social is the key of civilisation's measures, social is also one hot gist to look upon in detail as it differs our people from the "OTHER PEOPLE" (non Malaysians lah) !



The word taboo comes from the Polynesian word tabu (also spelled tapu), and is generally defined as a prohibition against a particular activity. Usually rooted in moral or cultural beliefs, a social taboo tells people what’s proper behaviour and what’s not.Taboos are important because they help us get along. Without these rules and prohibitions, we would just do whatever we want.At the very least, breaking a taboo can result in some awkward moments. 

What are we going to tell about is the taboos of the Iban native. The Iban are a recognises in Northwestern areas of Borneo. The Iban are native to this area, namely inside of the state Sarawak located in Northwest Malaysia, near Brunei. The Ibans are a branch of the Dayak peoples of Borneo called 'Sea Dayaks’ by the British, Ibans mostly live in Sarawak.

Thursday, 24 October 2013



Life is a sacred trust from God and a human is a trustee who should handle the trust with honesty and skill, and with mindfulness of God. When God gives life He endows the human being with unique qualities and abilities, and charges the human with certain obligations and with this life have ever bit of importance for us to safeguard them from abuse to those who are ignorant to the beauty of living.

     In the teaching of Islam there is an advice offer by Prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him) that goes as "Live in this world as if you are a traveler or a wayfarer” means that life in the mortal world is only transient and that at the end of the journey, that the life we’ve had led and the deeds that we had done all is accountable to no one but ourselves.

     Currently the world we live in is a world boundless by time and nation. An era of technologies, where you can fine almost anything just a click of a button, internet has played a major role in our life and revolves in even in our daily life. Thus, as the result we can see in our youngster these days are becoming more and more deprive of moral value, social problem are becoming more corporeal in the modern society and in an alarming rate. And the highest concerns in the social problem that currently enroot in Malaysia are the dumping of infant. These outrages problem not only cause discomfort in nation or the world even, but it also pose a problem in regards of the foundation of moral ethics within the Malaysian society that may collapse if ignore.

Saturday, 5 October 2013


The Solution to The World Poverty.
 "Poverty" Photo and caption by Debbie Jane Te.
Location: Smokey Mountain, Dump Site, Philippines
Life is a cruel master but a true teacher”; this is saying that one of the professor in Cambridge University who is well verse in human history. He said that we (human) are a race that always struggle to grasp something better be it ideals, doctrine or as simple as desire or comfort, human are a being of progress not stagnant, and a race that always leave a legacy. However little do we know, so often that the legacies we left behind are not what we intended, this is the statement that can be best describe the legacy of modernisation of industrial and informational revolution.

  As the world advance in the phase of machine and gadget, industry and economic not many countries can coup up with the rapid advancement that the era seek especially the less develop countries which lack both the capacity and the ability, either in technology or the professional human resource. Thus this lead such country to be deprive of its economics. Hence resulting in its people to live in poverty as their government can’t provide sufficiently in work opportunities, academics standards, living condition (security, utilities, and basic necessity).

Tuesday, 1 October 2013



The very first topical post; nerved us up and sometimes carelessly, we post it anyway. But to be beared in mind, the target readers are locals or "concerned" Malaysian. Several words being highlighted, do they signifies something or symbolises mostly everything? Or did “concerned” sounded mocking? Now that's IMPOLITE! The aftereffect, emphasising , upon reading this first "intelligence”, it is not to justify any facts or rather heavily validating them as its not entirely ours to be handled as such. It is the continuism that moved us, respective writers to share and to educationally humorously speculate, all in the name of introducing our deliverance style, comprehension range and framework (basic belief) and yet ultimately, if info are misused and mislead, therefore, encourage correctional and comments. And yes, impoliteness is now our first focus of discussion!