Thursday, 24 October 2013



Life is a sacred trust from God and a human is a trustee who should handle the trust with honesty and skill, and with mindfulness of God. When God gives life He endows the human being with unique qualities and abilities, and charges the human with certain obligations and with this life have ever bit of importance for us to safeguard them from abuse to those who are ignorant to the beauty of living.

     In the teaching of Islam there is an advice offer by Prophet Muhammad (praise be upon him) that goes as "Live in this world as if you are a traveler or a wayfarer” means that life in the mortal world is only transient and that at the end of the journey, that the life we’ve had led and the deeds that we had done all is accountable to no one but ourselves.

     Currently the world we live in is a world boundless by time and nation. An era of technologies, where you can fine almost anything just a click of a button, internet has played a major role in our life and revolves in even in our daily life. Thus, as the result we can see in our youngster these days are becoming more and more deprive of moral value, social problem are becoming more corporeal in the modern society and in an alarming rate. And the highest concerns in the social problem that currently enroot in Malaysia are the dumping of infant. These outrages problem not only cause discomfort in nation or the world even, but it also pose a problem in regards of the foundation of moral ethics within the Malaysian society that may collapse if ignore.

     In this we can conclude that this social problem must be dealt with swiftly by plugging at the source/the factor of which cause this issues: as these two are the major factor

     The first factor that commonly list out as the primary subject that cause the dumping of infant is teenage pregnancy and it is define as a teenage or underage girl becoming pregnant. These pregnancies of teenagers are a mere result of the gratification of sexual urges. This problem lies in the teen that have a mindset that the educational facilities are a place to gain acknowledgment from the masses and peers rather than to prioritize in their studies. This is due to lacking of sex education. Parents and schools do not inject sex education onto teenagers' mind since they were small as to install sufficient knowledge on the impact of sex upon oneself that it a means to build a harmonious household and be productive individual not to indulge oneself in sexual urges that develop to more future complication.

     The following factors are Poverty, Which can contribute to child dumping.
Persons in cultures with poor social welfare systems who are not financially capable of taking care of a child are more likely to dump him/her. Political conditions, such as difficulty in adoption proceedings, may also contribute to child dumping, as can the lack of institutions, such as orphanages, to take in children whom their parents cannot support. Societies with strong social structures and liberal adoption laws tend to have lower rates of child dumping.

     To invent a long-term solution to the problem of baby dumping require efforts at prevention. Steps must be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis, and increase communication within
families and communities.

  • Sexual Education
Baby dumping presumably results from unwanted pregnancy. To prevent baby dumping, it is therefore ultimately necessary to educate individuals about sexuality. We support age-appropriate comprehensive sexual education, and recommends that schools and communities provide comprehensive sexual education to all youth and families.
  • Responding to Unwanted Pregnancy
Individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies must receive support and services. Communities should examine their capacity to provide the range of supports and services needed by individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies. These services must also be publicized; people cannot use services that they do not know about. Finally, education efforts should strive to increase communication among youth, families, and communities. Increased communication may minimize the shame and secrecy associated with an unwanted pregnancy and make young people more likely to take advantage of supports and services in their families and communities.

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