Friday 25 October 2013

Chapter 6: Traditional and Vintage versus Modern

     Us and Them [Prepared by Huzaifah @ Zai]

Zai checking in, hello y’all. How’s the life? been good? should always be, because Malaysia is peaceful, beautifully harmonious  and ultimately advanced educated. Exactly why these are fundamentally important to be noticed? Because i’m now living in modern age which I see always moving, establishing and competing economically, socially and politically no less. Asking our parents or theirs regarding how fast we have “changed” would always be a very interesting topic to debate with because most of them will always look on social sides.There apparently are concrete reasons why social always rules,well despite the undeniable fact that social is the key of civilisation's measures, social is also one hot gist to look upon in detail as it differs our people from the "OTHER PEOPLE" (non Malaysians lah) !

 To be ungrateful is totally disgraceful because in terms of unity,Malaysia rule, economy? Always developing. As well, education, we have the best graduates.But still,why social is still the main issue in Malaysia? Well simply because of 2 main reasons,and 2 main reasons only:culture and identity.


The colours in Malaysia, comprises from  races, ethnicity, festivities, beliefs, religions and practises. It determines whether Malaysia is still relevant to be called as a multicultural nation which always play as a token of appreciation of people from outside our motherland.The main idea was not to be well-known in tourism actually,as that comes later as an advantage,but because without any written recipes or god-made tablet ,we managed to maintain and harness the human qualities among Malaysians that position us as a united and friendly nation!


Everybody knows that economy is equally as important as our hormone "mana gement", parse, that in order to be in the market,we have to market Malaysia. Well said factors are the main reasons why oversea-ers come to us,which play as an identity.We are friendly yet educated ,which also means that advancement didn't ever consume the best of us!

 Yet,why the long-winded piece of boredom being posted here?Just to show and acknowledge u guys,at the simplest level,what actually we thought didn't happen ,happen due to “lots of changes”that took place in Malaysia for the last 20 years to date.Its us,the young generation,specifically the ones born in the 20th century.

 I was born in 1992,also at the brink of the Milena,yet i did experienced the traditional and vintage values of childhood as my parents’s. Games like galah panjang, baling selipar, pondok-pondok, tuju guli and etc, were the best parts of my life. Well childhood didn't begin in front of techs but techs already took part in Malaysia as in video games,toys and lots more. First, what actually happen was friendship. Out you go from your bed at the early hour of morning, sips of "milo or nescafe", empty stomach or non, it doesn't matter, ever. The most important is to not stay at home until evening, now that's always been the first rule. Set your foot and walk straight to the park which set out scenes where there were kids playing the slides, swings and most interestingly trees. Trees were actually the headquarters of all junior “mafias”, hilariously speaking. After I walked to the playing ground which as usual, in some cases, indicated that you have just broken the self-proclaimed territory. Then, the "friendly fights" took place, to test how strong you are when you were alleged to have the intention of taking over the place as alpha or what I used to call "kepala". The trimmings were there, pulling shirts to tear, little bits of pushing here and there and ended with laughter, not by us but the "audiences". From there the questions like, hey where do you live and do you want to play with us always play by the tongues, no names asked, no sorry and no thanks, that's how strong and beautiful friendship really was. And ultimately again, there will be territory breach by competitive group from other places and finally a face to face approach must always be chosen to settle things. However, what actually interested me was, until now, whenever situation call for a “power rangers” fight, undoubtedly without second thought, my group and I, girls inclusive will go down to the fight which also ended up with laughter and creation of a bigger group. It gave me surely a lot to laugh about when after 6 to 7 years, I met my "RIVAL" and it was awkward and somewhat nostalgic and unfortunately, did fell in love.
 Ahh!!!!!, forgot to tell, back then ,the leader was mostly girls ,they did rule, due to lack of know how and full of drama lines. From here, I can tell you how much senses, face to face, laughter and non-acknowledgements of backgrounds or anything created something so beautiful that when you ask yourself or even your parents about their childhood,mostly they will end up telling in tears. It, the childhood, was the best at that time and I'm deeply glad that i got to blend still without being influenced by the intensity and the need to be a millennium citizen.Sticks, glues, paper and wand worked out just fine which it built imagination beyond words, believe it. No wonder guys like bill gates,Steve Jobs and Donald Trump, even our fourth prime minister, the treebeard who spur the path of mentalities advancement, did had their own moments to be relived in novels or articles for the sake of own laugh and sometimes happy tears yet still established towards one another.

Which is happening in our society right now is the interpretation of social itself. When we have been urged to start and make an improve on our paradigm, we always without much consideration, thought of technologies and the need to be 4 or maybe 5 step ahead, then we start to treat our life as similar as the ones in school, which is exam oriented. We despise failures when lessons we had that created us since we were kids were those. We laugh at our cultural melt-down,where it actually is depleting our identity as Malaysians. Most annoyingly,we finally managed to build generation gaps in the name of human rights and privacy and whatnot and unimaginably, we impose those so called educational values among families which also successfully has separated us entirely when family is supposedly number one remedy in children development.Then ask yourself,how to reach children nowadays when you ‘shorten your own hands’ and you minimised their ability to talk for attention??We always mistaken creativity and cleverness for "smart-aXXness".

Childhood is but a seemingly important phase,which then will validate whether you can be in the community or not once you have grown up.Memories and lessons are those very crucial in building you specifically mentally.but spaces created today are visibly nonsensical.Unbelievable easy access to Internet, non-limited age propriety in watching videos or films,and absurd “privacy is my name’ among them are our major concerns now! Due to these, easily beyond debatable doubt, their metals are corrupted.uncensored games and movies created them to be vocabularies efficients;in cussing and swearing for the sake of compromising ones life.No wonder kid kills freely nowadays and take random killings for the fact taking.Technologies that is not advocating togetherness,the need to learn and add educational values made them to always be on their own,no friendship shown,they isolate from the community and become dull.Technology is not behaviourally faulty but the implementations always come from human,and undoubtedly humans misfits always have been a major threat among ourselves.Kids  do have spaces but always wrongly given.we open for them a chance to destroy humanity and for the creation of human qualities,we blame and kill them in the name of conservativeness and always mistaken punishments for the tortures of the 80’s.Games for example are not helping.You sit in front of a machine,score for the whole day without meeting people and you call that home studies and focus,technology class as well. Well is meeting people or do some non-digital activities kill?I don't think so!

Regrettably, it took only few years so corrode the qualities which were ones identified us as advance yet green to the eyes of the world.Some people may without proper discussions,blame technology,easy because that's what happening in the society,kids playing tabs and video games without even blinking an eye to the surrounding which are full of friendly people.its the interpretation of modernisations that is to be checked and done of full assessments,why should it consume our children and maybe some may think that its not that bad to change, well then, ask yourself, will it be worth it to have children childhood taken away for the sake of developments? Well for sure, children development is spoiled!!!!! And thus become a key of civilisation end!

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